2010年11月12日 星期五

航管菜鳥喊錯班號 關鍵30秒險撞機

怎麼感覺最近台灣空安事件一波味平一波又起? 上次是個單純的重飛被說成多嚴重多危險..

至 於桃園機場前天發生華航重飛事件,民航局昨天聲明,華航班機降落前,前面準備起飛的長榮貨機延遲起飛,原因是跑道前面有落地的澳門航空班機正在脫離跑道, 為確保安全隔離,航管下令長榮貨機放棄重飛,準備落地的華航重飛,都是標準作業程序,當時重飛仰角也在安全範圍內,並沒有任何人為疏失。

2010年11月3日 星期三

松機上空驚魂!日航急重飛 像「海盜船」.


go around 這個動作是在從開小飛機就在練習的一個procedure, 對我來說看這篇文章比較誇張一點的是那駕華航的班機會跨過hold short line...

source: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/101103/8/2g6qg.html

2010年10月27日 星期三

plane spotting in DFW

Went to see Justin off for Boston the other day, I was thinking of going to Grapeville Mall for a while, but then I got lost.... and accidently found the observation deck for DFW. Might as well sit and watch for a bit.

Accident of Delta flight 191 crashed just short of the runway during August, 2,1985. Due to microburst. 

Here's what happened .....
Aviation regulation is written with blood, meaning every law or regulation is added because someone crashed or died. Sometimes you have only 1 chance, so pilots, be smart, everyone is counting on you to make the right decision. 

2010年10月7日 星期四


At this point I have 230 Hr of flight time including 17 hr of multi-engine. which means I'm not that far from going home. I should be in Taiwan within 3 weeks. that's good !! after all this training, what awaits me is more complex and extensive training in the airlines, all these up to this point is small potatos.. am I ready ? no, am I scared ? hell no !
I've booked my ticket back home for the 4th of Nov, and land in Taiwan on 6th. I will have my second toeic test on the 28th. at the same time, I will take the written test required by Taiwanese Airlines. 
PS : multi engine training is 燒錢!!!!!!!!

2010年9月29日 星期三


So far I've done 3hr in the twin engine seneca and I feel good !! except for the landings, feels a lot different from 172 or 152, visual reference is very different, still working on that. Powerful aircraft, retractable landing gear mean you have more to think about. need to control the manifold pressure and the propeller, that's also fine too, the plane feels a lot heavier but because it's heavy, it's more stable. 2 more flights and I will go on a long cross country ! looking forward to that.

PS : couldn't get Grant to be my multi instructor, too bad, but, it's ok !

2010年9月21日 星期二


I"ve come to 215 hr of flight time, which means I should get started on my Multi-Engine training.. I want to train with the same instructor for my private and Instrument, he understands me well, and we work pretty good together. but I dont' know if he's able to instruct multi yet... he has to go throu standards and stuff, it's company policy, to put it in simple terms, he's not senior enough, I guess..
Why is multi engine better than single engine ? what's the difference ? safer ? faster ? there's the all time " two is better than one" debate. but, is it ? in my opinion, if you are trained well, yes, it is safer, but if an engine fails while a unexperienced pilot is flying, he might be better off with single engine. I'm studying Multi engine right now, hopefully to get a basic understanding of it before I start flying one. and hope Grant can be my multi instructor.
this was taken during my first flight! 
Piper seneca, I will do my training in this aircraft

2010年9月14日 星期二

landing light out at KOKM

Landing light is required for me and my buddy to fly at night, but when we arrived at KOKM, the landing light went out... we couldn't even see the taxiway light, Suddat had to jump out of the plane and I would follow him to the fuel pump. it's kind of dangerous. We called school and the duty officer, they said it was ok for us to fly back, but is it ? it's safe for us to fly back, but it's not "legal"..
... so we decided to take the courtesy car and talk about it at McDonalds.
I'm approaching the final stage of my training, I need to enjoy every minute from now. starting multi-engine soon.

2010年9月2日 星期四


I've been pretty busy recently with time sharing, what is the difference between "time building" and "time sharing" ?? let me try to explain...
There are 2 ways to build flight hours during commercial phase of the training, 1st way is time building, where you fly solo, or with an instructor, you log PIC time and you pay for the whole flight. As you can already tell, this way is the expensive way. And then there's the "Time Sharing", where 2 pilots fly together and share the expense of the rental. One might ask.. " but you can only log half of the flight time as PIC (pilot in command)", ha, that's the beauty of Time Sharing.. BOTH pilots can legally log PIC, why ?? because during time sharing, 1 pilot should be "under the hood" and fly as "simulated instrument flying, and the other pilot should be the safety pilot, that way both pilots are acting as PIC. thus, we get the hour, and we only pay for half of the aircraft rental.
When I time share, normally the pilot on the left is the flying pilot, and the other pilot handles the navigation and radio communication, during a time share, we switch position so we get to practice both tasks..
sometimes we fly to uncontrolled airports, sometimes we fly to big class C airports, both are a lot of fun! uncontrolled airports we are responsible for communicating with other traffics, talking with other pilots so we don't run into each other. Big airports like San Antonio, we get the thrill by making parallel approaches with airline traffics, everything is pretty serious when we go to big airports... we need to try our best to show them our professionalism, it's a very good practice as it is as close to our future job as it gets, we can have a better idea of how the pros do it..
I have 160hr now, when I reach 240, I will start my multi-engine training. . I'm almost going home!

2010年7月7日 星期三


As of 07/05/2010, I'm a private pilot with Instrument Rating ! it's pretty special because in Taiwan is 07/06, and it's also my dad's birthday ! how cool is that?
To be honest, I don't feel as excited as I should have, why? I don't know, maybe all I"m thinking about is to get it done and go back. 1 more week before commercial ground ends, and next week I should finish the commercial written exam. I'm getting there....
I should receive my 2nd stripe tomorrow, when I do, I will post a photo here.

2010年6月20日 星期日

Denton Airshow A-10

100 degrees, other planes are trying to impress the crowd while all i'm waiting for is the A-10 !!
it's very cool, 30mm machine gun in front of the nose for accurate attack on the tank, and very agile manueverability to dodge and escape ! watch it in HD !!

2010年6月18日 星期五


After a long 1.5 months, my license finally arrive in the mail.. I should be more excited than I actually am, maybe I've waited for too long ?
anyway, this day is worth memorizing, I'm now officially one of the pilot in FAA database, that's something huh ?

2010年6月17日 星期四

USAF A-10 arriving KDTO for airshow

picture from -- http://www.texstars.com/files/Image/GalleryFullSize/aA-10Warthogsformation.jpg

This afternoon as I'm doing my instrument stage III oral exam, my examiner and I heard this loud jet passing noice outside the building that we just could not ignore. We ran outside and saw 2 USAF A-10 Warthogs doing low passes and finally land on runway 17. I took the video of it taxing pass us and waving to us, it's a really COOL plane, and I love the big engines!!! Really looking forward to the Airshow now...
 I could've held the camera more stable, might look kinda shaky, I was filming while walking.
watch it in HD !!

2010年6月16日 星期三


IFR long cross country fly, we expected to have more IMC than we actually did, we only got about 20 min of actual time. The flight was a lot of fun, heard some funny voices talking on the radio..
It's my first time to self service the fuel, it's harder than it looks, it's kinda heavy.
the last part, arriving at Denton, I shot an ILS approach, the point was to follow the 2 needles being my horizontal course guidence and my glide slope, if I follow that, it'll take me right over the runway.
after this part, it's preparing for my checkride which it might happen as soon as this week or next week, wish me luck !!!

2010年6月13日 星期日


在這邊學飛四個月了,一直讓我有種 "想要跟大學校看齊,可是學不像" 的感覺。怎麼說呢??
管理方面,上下溝通有問題,上面的人懂規定,但是櫃台的人不是完全懂... 這就很麻煩!完全不懂也還好他們會去問,可是懂一點點以為全懂得就很理直氣壯... 上面的跟我說我可以以renter來租飛機飛,照理來說我已經有私人飛機執照可以租飛機飛,到了要租的那一天,櫃台的人不讓我拿飛機因為他說我需要一個教官幫我簽名.....有這種事!?那我的執照是假的??
這學校還有一點很奇怪,我說我要帶朋友上去飛,他們說可以,但是飛的時間不算是訓練的時間...有這種說法...? 全美都麻是拿到PPL後就亂飛到處飛帶朋友帶馬子帶家人飛,飛到時數到了就可以考商業執照..  學校說那是fun flying, 不是training flying.... 第一次聽到這種說法..
照民航法規,我帶朋友亂飛一天到晚fun flying, 時數到了照理說我就可以考,學校會不讓我考嗎??他有權利這樣限制嗎?
今天看到一個同學很興奮的帶他老爸(777機長) 來學校租飛機飛,真爽..  可是當下就讓我想到之前我要租的時候,櫃台的就說風太大一定要教練跟飛....啥跟啥阿!今天風更大....他就可以..  所以,規定到底是可以還是不可以??上下溝通不良才會出現這種狀況。
今天本來要飛長程四小時的,我提早一個小時到學校弄飛行計畫,教練跟他另一個學生在飛,突然打電話說會晚點回來,OK,這常有。到我的時候,竟然說我定的時間只有三小時!!我早上看得時候是12-4, 現在就變成12-3,他們晚近來所以現在已經 1:20....取消吧... 誰動了我的時間??不知道... 所以今天11點就到學校等到1:30 後來取消,我來回開車要一ㄍ半小時...整人嗎?
今天突然很想要抱怨學校,覺得很多地方可以做的更好,禮拜天沒有SCHEDULER上班,所以想要臨時改?有點難... 為什麼禮拜天那麼多人飛卻沒有人上班??只有那個懂一半規局的櫃台上班... checkride也是,每個考官的標準,定義,都有出入。今天考官A說"when you brief the approach, keep it brief, i don't need to know everything" 明天考官B說"you need to brief the whole approach"....我兩樣都會,可是不知道你喜歡哪一樣!
學校目前在擴張,之前的停機棚現在已經在蓋新的簡報室跟教室,帶是他們應該先趕快弄一個pilot lounge出來才是阿,有時候擠到只能站在那邊,吃飯都沒有位子,電腦兩台也不夠,這些比較急的應該先搞定吧..... 上次也是,沒有人跟我說儀器訓練開始前要跟TSA要新的許可,連我教練都不知道,幫我弄後還弄錯害我等了三個禮拜,不然我早就拿到儀器rating了。我搞清楚後我後面的人都早早就申請,等都不用等。

2010年6月11日 星期五

First time flying in the "soup"

(piture is from ---www.zunal.com/myaccount/uploads/clouds.jpg )
I don't know why they call it the "soup", but that's where I was flying today.
IMC- Instrument meteorological condition, meaning I need to fly only by looking at the instruments. my body is no longer trustworthy... 
I've only learned in ground school that during IMC, I need to trust my instruments because my senses were unreliable. at a point in time during the flight, I looked over to the GPS to make sure I have set it up correctly, when I look back to my instruments, we were in a bank ! ( not BOA) and either me nor my instructor had any idea about it, it was the exciting moment of the flight.
it's been 4 months since i started training, everything is pretty much on schedule except for that 1 month I had to wait for my TSA clearance... otherwise I'd be done with my instrument right now !
anyway, other than that, it looks very promising that I may be done in the next couple of months, October, maybe, we'll see...
next monday I will start my Commercial ground school, and during that time, I will get my instrument rating and will be able to time sharing with my classmates. great ! !

2010年5月20日 星期四


After 2 weeks without touching the plane, I can no longer stand being not airborn..  I asked my good friend Suddat to let me sit in the back and observe his flight training.
the lesson today was one of my least favorite subject- " partial pannel ". you lose your attitude indicator and heading indicator, these two are the most frequently scanned instruments. it makes the flying a lot more difficult and really need to keep your scan going.. 
while I was sitting in the back, I think they were doing holdings near the VOR. 
saw this racetrack for the first time, thought it was an airport at first.. 
the landing was really smooth, he had to circle to land after an ILS 17 approach. 

here are some more pictures.

2010年5月14日 星期五

gusting 40miles !

few days ago, a friend from Boston came to visit and stayed for the weekend. we went to play some golf one day and the wind was gusting 40 miles!!! 
tree fell beside us, we were less than 1 meter away from the tree..
dead either from the tree or the jumping...

2010年5月7日 星期五

Instrument Rating Training

Today I passed the instrument Ground school final exam, which means I can go ahead and take the FAA instrument exam !! that's great ! IFR ( Instrument Flight Rules), is a rating which would give the pilot the ability to fly even in low visibility, or have no visual reference to the ground. it is precise flying. when flying in the clouds, if a pilot trust his senses ( feel, visual), he might end up upside down and not knowing it ! that's why this rating is required in all the airlines !
a lot of studying is required in Instrument training, but I managed to make it through the class, which means I'm fine ! 
Also today I recieved a not-so-good news. I have to paulse my flight training because I need a "new" TSA clearance for Instrument training, which either me nor my instructor know about. so, I have to apply for TSA, and they will approve, then i will pay them another $130, and they will approve... god knows how long it will take.... so with that said...I think I have a little big of break here! oh ya! summer break! what to do??
here's my STRIPE !

2010年4月22日 星期四


That's right !! I passed my Private Pilot checkride today. As of 4/21/2010, I'm a pilot, not student pilot anymore. I now have the priviledge to take passengers and be pilot in command. This is one of the best feeling in the world. After all I've come through, it has paid off. the studying, the training, the stage checks. everything is where it's supposed to be right now, I will keep moving and advance in my training. Thanks to my family and everyone who has supported me financially and mentally as well as those providing resources and made it availabe to me. I will upload some pictures when I have some, I haven't flown very much recently. I'm excited to get my first "stripe" on my shoulder. .This is where it begins....

2010年4月4日 星期日


this is my last cross country i need to advance in my training, my destination this time is Eaker Airport in Durant Oklahoma. should take me less than 2 hours for the entire trip, and it should be fun and challenging, since this is my last one for now, I wanna make this a perfect one, which means, I will time my trip, revise my flight plan as I advance through my checkpoints, get Flight Following, and no more mistake !
this is one of my checkpoints, as you can see ! right on the spot. redline is my flight path, circle is my check point.

this picture was taken on the way back, so it's on my left side.

the next checkpoint was a beautiful reservoir with a dam east of it.
very nice scenery.. next up is a class D airport which I will be flying over, I don't have to talk to them because I will be higher than its airspace, but it's always recommended..
very good flight ! had a lot of fun sight seeing, I'm satisfied with this flight for some reasons, first of all, communications with tower was perfect, talking with pilots around the destination airport was also perfect, talking to radar service was perfect, landing was GREAT, executed my flight plan very well, hit my spots and was on time. next on my agenda is to have a couple flights with my instructor and go over some PTS and night take off and landings, make sure i'm ready for the big test.. wish me luck .!!!

2010年4月1日 星期四


This was about a week ago, I was nervous, of course. and a little mistake was taken place, but nothing big.
the flight started from Denton, I was heading east to Graham Airport, one the way there, I will pass a checkpoint south of a lake with a small uncontrolled airport beside it, and the whole point of this training is to see if I can pass the checkpoints on schedule, and if not, calculate why, and revise the plan based on the new information. For example, if I calculate my ground speed will be 85 miles per hour, then I know it will take me 20 min to fly 17 miles. But if the wind that day suddenly changes, and the time it took to fly 17miles changes to 25 min, then I should calculate my NEW speed and apply that to my next checkpoint, how long it will take, how fast, how much fuel, etc..
as you can see, my first checkpoint was pretty much on the spot !

when I arrive at Granham Airport, the wind was reporting gusting to 25NM, and it was almost a direct crosswind, but i still tried to land ! ultimately I aborted landing and kept on heading to my next destination.. the thing with "gust" wind... is that...it's not constant, it's sometimes there and sometimes not, and that is very unstable when i'm trying to land, and a little bit dangerous if you don't know what to do in a gusty situation.
my next airport is Mineral Wells airport, nothing special there except that I didn't expect anyone would listen to my radio as I'm self announcing my position( uncontrolled airport), it was quiet so I didn't think anyone was around that area, but as i'm on final and I made my last announcement  "Mineral Wells traffic, cessna 27705Q, 3 miles final, runway 18, mineral wells" someone answered " Im right behind you" ... haha and he asked me how fast I was going so he could slow down a little bit, it was pretty exciting because we were so close and he was a twin. it was special because that's the first time I made myself useful to others in a uncontrolled airport, I did what I supposed to do, they know where I was and what my intentions were, it was all done very professionally, I was pretty pleased, made me feel almost like a real pilot... hehe...

but the real mistake happened at my own airpot ! when I went back to denton, I miscommunicated with the control tower so for a minute, he was looking for me and I was right next to the airport... he said " cessna 05Q, make a right 270 and enter right downwind for runway 17" it was clear, but somehow I thought he said 720...2 loops ?? ok...if that's what he wants.. so I was there circeling ... and then he said "05Q, are you still circling ? enter right downwind for runway17" haha...and the worst thing is... my instructor was at the airport doing traffic pattern with another student and he heard the whole conversation !  gosh... he had so much confidence in me that I wouldn't make mistake but still I did and it wasn't even difficult ... after that, of course I didn't feel very well about that even though 95% of the flight was great,  I still think I did poorly, it's kinda like a round of golf, you can hit pars and birdies all day, and if you bogied the last hole... dinner taste awful !
i'm sure many people know what i'm talking about..
anyway, I passed my stage II check, and I'm a couple more flights from getting a checkride for a private pilot license ! wish me luck !

2010年3月23日 星期二

1st cross country flight

Today started out great with the temperature up to 13C, very beautiful day with very little clouds and little wind. I have planned our trip from Denton to Addison to Sulphur Spring and back to Denton, it will take us a little over 2 hours to make the trip if everything is where it supposed to be...
I have already anticipate this, I knew the weather would change on me, so I got to the school a lot ahead of the time and re-calculate every leg of the trip just to be safe.
Grant and I went over the details of my flight plan and was quite satisfied with my work, w efiled the flight plan and jumped into our little Cessna 152 and off we go !
My first stop was my favorite Addison Airport, I just had to land here at least once even though it's so close and it's under B airspace we couldn't fly very high. As usual, I made a safe landing and told the tower I want to taxi back and depart~ many jets were waiting for me to land as I SLOWLY approach the runway, haha!

After departing from Addison Airport (KADS), we were on our way to our destination- Sulphur Springs (KSLR), I like the airport code, SLR!! yeah~
that is a small airport without a control tower, so everyone that's flying there should talk to each other over the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency to avoid any collisions. 
by the way, on our way back to Denton, the wind changed from what's supposed to be a tail wind to a headwind, which made our Ground Speed slower, and we had to return the plane on time, so we came up with another plan, a direct flight, and it was very close to Frisco !! when I notice it, it was already too late, I've already passed our house ! too bad !!! but I did got some cool photoes !

look familiar ? ?

2010年3月21日 星期日

鬼天氣 II

又來!明明昨天還好好的70度左右!今天一起床就開始冷...下午就開始給我下起雪來@@ 還下不停喔! 超大的... Dallas...mid-March....SNOW ?? what's going on here ??
PS: this is 121...

1st cross country flight

This will be my first cross country flight, total distance is 180 nautical miles. My first stop after departing from Denton will be Addison airport ! I always wanted to land there!!! and plus my instructor told me that the pilot shop over there is pretty cool, so ~ maybe Joon can see me from his apartment roof !, next stop will be my destination= Sulphur Springs, I chose this airport solely by its distance, nothing more, and I want to avoid an uncontrolled airport on the way there which has "extensive parachute jumping" activities and glider...so I didn't plan directly from Addison airport to Sulphur Spring. And on the way back, I chose the route to the north is because I don't wanna enter a class D airport, I have no room in between the airport and the DFW class B airspace. I was hoping to plan a route so I can fly over Sharon's house and take a photo, that'll be cool!! anyway, I still have to finish my plan so I can go on Monday !
PS: IF THE WEATHER ALLOWS ....right now it's blowing snow ...

2010年3月13日 星期六




If something looks good, IT NORMALLY IS !! haha, I love nato rice and tomato-egg. it's my bento box for the next 3 nights.

FAA written exam 93分 pass @@

on 3/11/10, I passed my FAA Private Pilot written exam with a score of 93 ~ oh yeah~
that means from this point on until I get my private, all I need to focus on is---FLY~ I still need to do some cross country, should be a lot of fun !
the weather recently is really not that good...wind blowing from 20-30 kt...hope it gets better soon..

2010年3月9日 星期二



2010年3月6日 星期六

Second Solo

Here's how it goes, 1st solo, i did 3 takeoffs and 3 landings, 2nd solo, I get to do a lot of them, as much as I can do in 2 hrs, practice a bunch of different Takeoff and Landings, that's what I did today. I wasn't expect to solo again because I don't read the syllubus..which I should .
anyway, I got to the airport, and he told me I was gonna do my 2nd solo, which is great, I get to pay less, haha, no instructor fee, ( not that I don't like him,  he's a great guy).
yeah, it was pretty exciting and fun, just like my 1st solo. on Monday, depending on the weather, I get to do local solo, which means I can fly out to the practice area and practice and come back. great ! ! this is where the fun starts! after that, we will go over some radio Navigations and prepare for my cross country flight @@


2010年3月4日 星期四

First solo flight 3/4/10 @@

That is right, my man~ my first solo flight today at Denton Municiple Airport, Cessna 152.
the day started off very windy, even though Grant (my awsome instructor) have 100% confidence in me making solo, the school has some restrictions on first solo student, so I didn't think I was gonna solo today as the wind is off the limit (15kt and gusting 20)..
Anyway, we were bored in the school, I was waiting for my ground school to start in 1 hour, I checked the weather again just for the hell of it.. 13kt @@, ok....maybe we can make this happen!
still, 13kt coming from 20 degrees off my nose, so a crosswind landing will be performed, and i think I have that down, Grant and I jumped into the plane, and do 1 pattern just to make sure I'm REALLY ready, he jumps out of the plane and wishes me luck ! there it is, my 3 landings as PILOT IN COMMAND! MY MAN~ the traffic got kinda busy all of a sudden, the tower wanted me to do this do that wait for this give way to that, hold short because there's a DEAD EAGLE on the runway... dude...this is my solo, does this have to happen right now ? haha, but anyway, it was funny, I creamed in the cockpit on my first takeoff, haha, Grant said that he did that too when he first soloed, I was nervous, but also confident, i know what I had to do and when to do them, this is a very special day and I will remember every second I spent in that solo for the rest of my life !
so, I guess this checkpoint is behind me now, i'm looking forward to more flights that are forthcoming and some cross country flying@@


2010年3月3日 星期三


今天是緊張的 pre-solo checkride,其實也就是單飛前跟另一個資深一點的教練飛,他確定我沒問題後接下來就可以單飛了!!  今天出門後,看一下天空,有一些些高雲,很好,我想代表著穩定的氣流。 到了學校,唉....不知道在搞啥,學校電腦壞掉,查天氣的電話也短路...最後還是跟教練借他的 I-PHONE 查了天氣。上了飛機,跟我想的一樣,天氣超好,沒啥風。今天基本上就是帶他出去兜兜風,他盡量不要幫我,讓他知道我知道自己在幹麻。  到了練習區,先來個 steep turns,slow flight,stalls,engine failure。讓我印象深刻的就是,他幾乎沒有說多少話,都在忙著看他的 I-phone,看啥?youporn? 不會吧。 anyway, 一個好的 steep turn當你轉了一個360的圈圈後,如果沒掉高度的話,最理想的就是飛過自己的亂流,今天就是那樣,左右各一次,讓他不僅問我 " how many hours do you have? that's pretty impressive "整個高興...哈哈 然後他就要我帶他回去,因為他覺得我知道自己在幹麻 也覺得我飛機控制的很好,回去後要做幾個touch and go,第一個超好,第二個在 final時飛機真的很穩,沒有左右晃或是上下晃,這都是trim 跟 油門控制的功勞,他突然就說 " YOU ARE GOLDEN DUDE" 哈哈,這應該是讚美啦!雖然我很少聽到,但是喜歡被誇獎的我聽到後心情大好!哈哈 今天確實飛得真的很好,難得的好天氣! 回去後,他在我的logbook上簽名,明天跟我的教練去飛,順利的話明天就可以單飛啦! 152TR, my favorite plane for now ! 今天就是飛他@@