2011年8月14日 星期日

747-400 queen of the sky

747-400, manufactured by the Boeing company, an amazing aircraft in my opinion. It is, to me, the most beautiful plane in the sky. The best part is, I get to fly it !!!
2.5 months of extensive ground knowledge, I finally made it out and move on to the next stage - full motion simulator training.
I really miss flying 172...where the checklist is only 1 page and procedures are really simple....
in the jumbo, i spent 3 days to memorize the "cockpit preparation" for both left seat and right seat..
our 747 fleet, consists of  3 full passenger plane, 4 combi, and 9 freighters. which means....I will most likely be flying a lot of cargo flights! that's ....good, and bad.... the good things about cargo flights are... no passengers, arrival time is off peak, which means less traffic, and I'm excited to fly to DFW! the BAD part about it, is that the duty time is always midnight...  and the schedule is very unstable..
like I always say, things worth doing is always hard... so, bare with it!

all and all, i'm glad to have this opportunity to be introduced to the queen, I'm thankful.