I don't know why they call it the "soup", but that's where I was flying today.
IMC- Instrument meteorological condition, meaning I need to fly only by looking at the instruments. my body is no longer trustworthy...
I've only learned in ground school that during IMC, I need to trust my instruments because my senses were unreliable. at a point in time during the flight, I looked over to the GPS to make sure I have set it up correctly, when I look back to my instruments, we were in a bank ! ( not BOA) and either me nor my instructor had any idea about it, it was the exciting moment of the flight.
it's been 4 months since i started training, everything is pretty much on schedule except for that 1 month I had to wait for my TSA clearance... otherwise I'd be done with my instrument right now !
anyway, other than that, it looks very promising that I may be done in the next couple of months, October, maybe, we'll see...
next monday I will start my Commercial ground school, and during that time, I will get my instrument rating and will be able to time sharing with my classmates. great ! !