2010年3月6日 星期六

Second Solo

Here's how it goes, 1st solo, i did 3 takeoffs and 3 landings, 2nd solo, I get to do a lot of them, as much as I can do in 2 hrs, practice a bunch of different Takeoff and Landings, that's what I did today. I wasn't expect to solo again because I don't read the syllubus..which I should .
anyway, I got to the airport, and he told me I was gonna do my 2nd solo, which is great, I get to pay less, haha, no instructor fee, ( not that I don't like him,  he's a great guy).
yeah, it was pretty exciting and fun, just like my 1st solo. on Monday, depending on the weather, I get to do local solo, which means I can fly out to the practice area and practice and come back. great ! ! this is where the fun starts! after that, we will go over some radio Navigations and prepare for my cross country flight @@


